Friday, November 27, 2009

Post-Thanksgiving Thanks

So, yesterday was Thanksgiving, for those of you who don't live on planet Earth. It was my third Thanksgiving in L.A., and I had planned on spending it the way I've spent the last two . . . with me, myself and I.

That was the plan.

I was totally OK with it, too. Don't get me wrong. I wasn't planning on holding some sort of pity-party for myself, complete with party hats and favors. No. I was actually looking forward to a day of quiet. No one needing me. No one calling me. No one emailing me asking me for something. It was going to be grand.

It started out that way. I slept in . . . OK wait, side note. When I say that I'm going to "sleep in" it doesn't mean that I sleep until 9:00 or 10:00, people. Sleeping in for me means 11:30, at the very earliest. So if you know that I'm going to be spending the morning, "sleeping in" please do not call or text - or if you do, don't expect me to respond.

OK. Moving on. I slept in, went for a fabulous run at the Balboa trail, did some cleaning, a little laundry. And then I sat. And suddenly I didn't want to spend the day all by my lonesome.

So I called up good friend, Sandra. She had invited me to come over for a visit. No big party, just her and Jordan, sans Beka. "Sure!" she said, "Come on over." So I did. We shared white wine spritzers (yes, Sandra is bringing them back), a little gossip, and some laughs.

Next up? The party house. I arrived a little after 8:00, and when I got there the group was playing Catch Phrase. I joined in, and although I didn't do much to help team #2, it was a grand time. Then on to Apples-to-Apples, another game that I had never played before. Again, a grand time was had by all, or most anyway. Knowing that I had to work in the morning, I said my goodbyes rather early, and headed home to bed.

The point I'm trying to make here is that of all the things that I could be thankful for, I am the most thankful for yesterday. For friends, who have become my family. For being able to feel just a bit more comfortable in my skin, my L.A. skin. For it being OK to reach out and not feel like I'm asking too much, or needing too much. Some of you who will read this know what that means, and how much that means to me.

I cannot convey enough, so I'll just say, "Thanks."