Thursday, September 13, 2007

The last rehearsal

Well, tomorrow my show opens. Tonight we had the last run-thru, and it went relatively well! Basically we sat around in a circle and ran our lines. But I found some last-minute insights to add to my character, which is great!

The rest of the day . . . what can I say (hey, that rhymes). The highlight of my day was going to the gym. Tomorrow I have an audition for a short film, then the play tomorrow night.

Last night I went to an improv show - my friend Melanie's roommate was performing in it. Wow, if I can ever do improv, I will be thoroughly impressed with myself. Amazing. I applaud all those who can master it.

It was hot here again today, but a cool-down is on the way. I'm not exactly excited about that, since I feel that I haven't really experienced summer in L.A. I mean, I haven't even been to the beach this summer! Guess that means I've been busy . . . or just lazy.

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