Saturday, September 15, 2007

Opening Night!

Yay - I survived opening night! It went OK . . . some minor hiccups, including a missed entrance by Abbadon (assistant to Leviathan - aka "the Devil."). Oh well, all live shows have that. Tomorrow night will hopefull go just as well, if not better.

The rest of the day was spent working out, going to an audition for a short film, a trip to the "good" Target in Burbank, and keeping up with emails. Yes - very exciting, I know.

Sorry, not feeling creative tonight, so there's not much to report. More to come tomorrow, perhaps.

1 comment:

Marylisa said...

Hooray, Sylvi! While I was trying to send you some virtual flowers, my hard drive died taking my address book with it. This is the 2nd one in two years. Pfffft! L