Saturday, September 8, 2007

Dress Rehearsal

I had dress rehearsal tonight for my latest acting venture . . . a play called "The Sixth Trumpet." We've been rehearsing at a church in Aguora Hills - which is kind of a drive in California standards. But the performances - and where I was tonight - are in North Hollywood, which is MUCH closer to me.

Overall it went well, I guess, for being the first time in our actual setting. I'm only a supporting role, so I only have three scenes to worry about. Tomorrow is another dress rehearsal, running through twice - it'll be a LONG night. Oh well, the price for fame, right?

I had to try to find black gloves for my costume, so today I went to Claire's in the mall and witnessed three young teens getting busted for shop-lifting. And some people wonder why I don't want to have kids.

But tomorrow's another day, and another day brings hope.

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