Friday, September 21, 2007

Stormy Weather?

Wow . . . thunder and lightning and rain - OH MY! I guess the California version of the "storm of the century" isn't quite living up to expectations. At least from my perspective. It's kinda thundering, some lightning, and I can hear the rain. But this is NOTHING compared to a good ol' Minnesota storm. Which, can be at the same time scary and comforting. There's just something calming about staying indoors when the outdoors is in tumult. A sort of indulgence of not feeling guilty for snuggling up on the couch with a fuzzy blanket, comfy PJ's and my kitty. In the middle of the day, at that!

I had an audition today for . . . well, I'm still not sure what! It was so bizarre! I got an email yesterday afternoon for the "call-back" - which, I hadn't even auditioned for anything. No details, no wardrobe suggestions, no role description. It ended up being very much a cattle call, and the guy I was partnered with for the audition - well, let's just say he seemed to enjoy the conversations he was having . . . with himself. If nothing else, the casting corp should give me props for putting up with THAT! I'm fairly confident that I WON'T get the part.

And then tonight was another super-fun night trying to entice baseball fans to sign up for a time-share presentation at the Angel's game. I think I got about 3 tours or so, which means a mere $30 commission in my pocket - if all of them "show up" for the presentation. That, after spending $15 in gas to drive there. I'm thinking I need to re-consider my gig with Shell Vacations.

Tomorrow is the play - I'm actually looking forward to it after being "off" for a week. Hopefully the performance goes well - especially since Sandra and Melanie are coming!

Well, my new fav show, Chelsea Lately, is on so I need to sign off.

Cheers all!

1 comment:

Marylisa said...

Send me an email. I'm back!!